Vol. 146, No. 2, 1990

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Sequence transformations that guarantee a given rate of convergence

Gerd H. Fricke and John Albert Fridy

Vol. 146 (1990), No. 2, 239–246

Let t be a positive number sequence and define the sequence space Ω(t) := {x : xk = O(tk)}. Characterizations are given for matrices that map the spaces l1, l, c, or c0 into Ω(t), thus ensuring that the transformed sequence converges at least as fast as t. These results yield information about matrices that map l1, l, c, or c0 into G := r(0,1)Ω(rn), the set of geometrically dominated sequences.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 40A05
Received: 20 March 1989
Published: 1 December 1990
Gerd H. Fricke
John Albert Fridy