Vol. 147, No. 1, 1991

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Some examples of nontaut subspaces

Satya Deo and Kalathoor Varadarajan

Vol. 147 (1991), No. 1, 47–56

We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the tautness of each closed subspace of a Hausdorff space X w.r.t. the Alexander-Spanier cohomology functor H. This is used to give an example of a normal Hausdorff space on which the concepts of an L-theory and a continuous cohomology theory (as defined by Spanier) are not equivalent. Finally, we provide examples of non-taut subspaces with respect to the classical cohomology theories which possess some further curious properties.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 55N20
Secondary: 55N30
Received: 21 February 1989
Revised: 25 April 1989
Published: 1 January 1991
Satya Deo
Kalathoor Varadarajan