Vol. 147, No. 1, 1991

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Automatic continuity of -morphisms between nonnormed topological -algebras

Maria Fragoulopoulou

Vol. 147 (1991), No. 1, 57–70

Every -morphism of a Q locally m-convex (lmc) -algebra E, in an lmc C-algebra F, is continuous. The same is also true if E is taken to be a Fréchet locally convex -algebra. Thus, the topology of a Fréchet locally convex C-algebra (Fréchet lmc C-algebra) is uniquely determined. Each lmc C-algebra has a continuous involution. In the general case, one has that the involution of a barrelled Pták (e.g. Fréchet) locally convex algebra E is continuous iff the real locally convex space H(E) of its self-adjoint elements, is a closed subspace. In particular, every algebra E as before, which admits a continuous faithful -representation, has a continuous involution. Furthermore (without assuming continuity of the involution), we obtain that every -representation of an involutive Fréchet Q lmc algebra E, is continuous, while if E has moreover a bounded approximate identity, the same holds also true for each positive linear form of E.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46K05
Received: 27 January 1989
Published: 1 January 1991
Maria Fragoulopoulou