Vol. 147, No. 1, 1991

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A construction of an ordered division ring with a rank one valuation

Ka Hin Leung

Vol. 147 (1991), No. 1, 139–151

Let (k,Pk) be an ordered field and Γ be a dense additive subgroup of . In this paper, we shall construct a noncommutative ordered division ring (D,P) and a compatible valuation v on (D,P) such that (i) the value group of v is Γ and (ii) the residue division ring (Dv,Pv) is order isomorphic to (k,Pk). This problem is interesting because, in effect, we are constructing the “simplest” or in some sense the smallest noncommutative ordered division ring.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 16W80
Secondary: 12E15, 12J15
Received: 26 January 1989
Revised: 22 October 1989
Published: 1 January 1991
Ka Hin Leung