Vol. 147, No. 1, 1991

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Manifold subgroups of the homeomorphism group of a compact Q-manifold

Katsuro Sakai and Raymond Y. T. Wong

Vol. 147 (1991), No. 1, 165–185

Let X be a compact PL manifold and Q denote the Hilbert cube Iω. In this paper, we show that the following subgroups of the homeomorphism group H(X × Q) of X × Q are manifolds:

Hfd(X × Q) = {h × id|h H(X × In) for some n },
HPL(X × Q) = {h × id Hfd(X × Q)|h is PL} and
HLIP(X × Q) = all Lipschitz homomorphisms of (X × Q)
under some suitably chosen metric.
In fact, let H(X × Q) denote the subspace consisting of those homeomorphisms which are isotopic to a member of H(X ×Q), where = fd, PL or LIP respectively. Then it is shown that
  1. (HPL(X × Q),HPL(X × Q)) is an (l2,l2f)-manifold pair,
  2. (HLIP(X × Q),HLIP(X × Q)) is an (l2,l2Q)-manifold pair and
  3. Hfd(X × Q) is an (l2 × l2f)-manifold and dense in Hfd(X × Q),

where l2 is the separable Hilbert space, l2f = {(xi) l2|xi = 0 except for finitely many i} and l2Q = {(xi) l2|sup|i xi| < ∞}.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57N20
Secondary: 57Q99
Received: 21 February 1989
Revised: 10 July 1989
Published: 1 January 1991
Katsuro Sakai
Raymond Y. T. Wong