Vol. 147, No. 2, 1991

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Rings of differential operators on one-dimensional algebras

Marc Chamarie and Ian Malcolm Musson

Vol. 147 (1991), No. 2, 269–290

Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and A a finitely generated k-algebra of Krull dimension at most one. In this paper we study the ring of differential operators 𝒟(A). For example we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for 𝒟(A) to be a direct sum of Simple rings, or to be left or right Noetherian.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 16S32
Secondary: 13N10, 16D90
Received: 4 April 1989
Revised: 13 November 1989
Published: 1 February 1991
Marc Chamarie
Ian Malcolm Musson