Let Φn be the ring of n × n
matrices over a commutative field Φ. Let fi(x1,…,xm) and gi(y1,…,ym) (i = 1,…,k)
be polynomials with coefficients in Φ and with noncommuting indeterminates in the
disjoint sets {x1,…,xm} and {y1,…,ym}. Assume that f1(x1,…,xm),…,fk(x1,…,xm)
are Φ-independent modulo the T-ideal of polynomial identities of Φn. Consider
the following two statements: (1) whenever ∑
is central on Φn, then so is each gi(y1,…,ym) (i = 1,…,k); (2) whenever
i=1kfi(x1,…,xm)gi(y1,…,ym) is a polynomial identity for Φn, then so is each
gi(y1,…,ym) (i = 1,…,k). It is shown here that statement (2) is always true and that
statement (1) holds but for the exceptional case: n = 2 and Φ is the ring of integers
modulo 2.