Vol. 149, No. 1, 1991

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On the Romanov kernel and Kuranishi’s L2-estimate for b over a ball in the strongly pseudo convex boundary

Takao Akahori and Harunori Ameku

Vol. 149 (1991), No. 1, 1–12

As is proved by Kerzman-Stein, over a compact strongly pseudo convex boundary in Cn, Szegö projection S is the operator defined by Henkin-Ramirez modulo compact operators. While, over a special ball, U𝜀, in the strongly pseudo convex boundary, in order to obtain a local embedding theorem of CR-structures, Kuranishi constructed the Neumann type operator Nb for b and so we have a local Szegö operator by

SU 𝜀 = id− ∂-∗bNb ∂b on U𝜀,

where b means the adjoint operator of b. There might be a relation between SU𝜀 and the Romanov kernel like the case of the Szegö operator and the Henkin-Ramirez kernel. We study this problem and show some estimates for the Romanov kernel.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 32F20
Received: 26 October 1989
Revised: 2 January 1990
Published: 1 May 1991
Takao Akahori
Harunori Ameku