Vol. 149, No. 1, 1991

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The proper forcing axiom and stationary set reflection

Robert Emile Beaudoin

Vol. 149 (1991), No. 1, 13–24

Our main result is that the proper forcing axiom (PFA) is equiconsistent with “PFA + there is a nonreflecting stationary subset of ω2”. More generally we show for any cardinals n < m ≤ℵ2 that if PFA+(n) is consistent with ZFC then so is “PFA+(n) + there are m mutually nonreflecting stationary subsets of ω2”. As corollaries we can show that if n < m ≤ℵ1 then PFA+(n) (if consistent) does not imply PFA+(m), and that PFA (if consistent) does not imply Martin’s maximum.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 03E35
Received: 29 August 1989
Published: 1 May 1991
Robert Emile Beaudoin