Vol. 149, No. 1, 1991

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Generalized Clifford-Littlewood-Eckmann groups II: Linear representations and applications

Tara Lynn Smith

Vol. 149 (1991), No. 1, 185–199

This paper presents applications of the decomposition of generalized Clifford-Littlewood-Eckmann groups, or CLE-groups, which are given by presentations of the type

G = ⟨ω,a1,...,ar | ωn = 1, an= ωe(i) ∀i,
aiaj = ωajai ∀i < j, ωai = aiω ∀i⟩.
We begin by studying the irreducible complex representations of the “building block groups” of orders n2 and n3, and how the representations for the composite groups are constructed from them. This of course also gives a complete set of inequivalent irreducible matrix representations for the generalized Clifford algebras corresponding to these groups. We apply these representation-theoretic results to determine the size of the maximal abelian subgroups of these groups, and to present a generalization of a result of Littlewood on maximal sets of anticommuting matrices. In the final section we consider an alternative generalization of the CLE-groups, in which we require ain = 1, but allow aiaj = ωkajai for fixed k dividing n, where possibly k > 1. The irreducible complex representations of these groups are then calculated.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 20C15
Secondary: 15A66, 20F05
Received: 20 November 1989
Published: 1 May 1991
Tara Lynn Smith