Vol. 149, No. 2, 1991

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Torus orbits in G∕P

Hermann Flaschka and Luc Haine

Vol. 149 (1991), No. 2, 251–292

Let G be a complex semisimple Lie group of rank l, with fixed Borel subgroup B and maximal torus H. Let P be a standard parabolic subgroup. The torus H acts on G∕P by gPhgP. The closure X in G∕P of an orbit {hgP|h H} is called a torus orbit if it is l-dimensional and satisfies a certain genericity condition; it is a rational algebraic variety whose structure is intimately related to Lie theory, symplectic geometry, and the theory of convex bodies. This paper presents: (1) an abstract description of the torus orbit X by means of a rational polyhedral fan; (2) a description of the torus-invariant divisor whose linear system provides a natural embedding (the Plücker embedding) of X into a projective space; (3) a discussion of the correspondence between this divisor and the momentum mapping associated to the action on X of the compact torus T H; (4) a list of generators of the ideal defining the Plücker embedding; (5) a formula for the intersection multiplicity of certain important torus invariant divisors on X.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14M25
Secondary: 14M15, 20G20, 22E46, 32M05
Received: 5 September 1989
Published: 1 June 1991
Hermann Flaschka
Luc Haine