Vol. 149, No. 2, 1991

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Classification of essential commutants of abelian von Neumann algebras

Bruce Harvey Wagner

Vol. 149 (1991), No. 2, 365–382

The main purpose of this paper is to classify the C-algebras of the form A+ 𝒦, where Adenotes the commutant of an abelian von Neumann algebra A, and 𝒦 is the set of compact operators. By the famous result of Johnson and Parrott, A+ 𝒦 is the same as the essential commutant of A. These algebras were studied by Plastiras in the special case in which A is generated by its minimal projections and in addition all of these projections are finite dimensional. Using a theorem of Andersen, we are able to generalize Plastiras’ main results to general abelian von Neumann algebras. We also study the automorphism groups and derivations of these algebras.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L10
Secondary: 46L35, 47D25
Received: 11 October 1989
Published: 1 June 1991
Bruce Harvey Wagner