Vol. 150, No. 2, 1991

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Factorizations of natural embeddings of lpn into Lr. II

Tadeusz Figiel, William Buhmann Johnson and Gideon Schechtman

Vol. 150 (1991), No. 2, 261–277

This is a continuation of the paper by Figiel, Johnson and Schechtman with a similar title. Several results from there are strengthened, in particular: 1. If T is a “natural” embedding of l2n into L1 then, for any well-bounded factorization of T through an L1 space in the form T = uv with v of norm one, u well-preserves a copy of l1k with k exponential in n. 2. Any norm one operator from a C(K) space which well-preserves a copy of l2n also well-preserves a copy of lk with k exponential in n. As an application of these and other results we show the existence, for any n, of an n-dimensional space which well-embeds into a space with an unconditional basis only if the latter contains a copy of lk with k exponential in n.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46B20
Secondary: 46B25
Received: 15 August 1989
Revised: 4 September 1990
Published: 1 October 1991
Tadeusz Figiel
William Buhmann Johnson
Gideon Schechtman