Vol. 150, No. 2, 1991

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Chern classes and cohomology for rank 2 reflexive sheaves on P3

Margherita Roggero and Paolo Valabrega

Vol. 150 (1991), No. 2, 383–395

The paper shows that, if F is a nonsplit rank 2 reflexive sheaf on P3, then the knowledge of the numbers dn = h2(F(n)) h1(F(n)) gives an explicit algorithm to compute the Chern classes c1, c2, c3 and the dimensions h0(F(n)), for all n (in particular the first integer a such that the sheaf F(a) has some nonzero section). If the sheaf is a vector bundle it is also proved that the knowledge of the numerical sequence {h1(F(n))} together with the first Chern class gives all the information as above. In some special cases, i.e. when h1(F(n))0 for at most three values of n, an algorithm is also produced to compute the first Chern class from the sequence {h1(F(n))}. Vector bundles with natural cohomology are also discussed.

It must be remarked that, if one knows not only the dimensions h1(F(n)), for all n, but also the whole structure of the Rao-module H1(F(n)), then the first Chern class c1 is uniquely determined (as it is shown in a paper by P. Rao).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14J60
Received: 20 December 1989
Published: 1 October 1991
Margherita Roggero
Paolo Valabrega