Vol. 151, No. 1, 1991

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The Lüroth semigroup of plane algebraic curves

S. Greco and G. Raciti

Vol. 151 (1991), No. 1, 43–56

A “gap” for a smooth irreducible complete algebraic curve C is a non-negative integer n such that no rational function on C has degree n. The non-gaps form the so called “Lüroth semigroup” of C.

We give methods to find gaps and non-gaps when C is a plane curve of degree d, based on properties of linear series and Hilbert functions. It turns out that for d 14 the Lüroth semigroup depends only on d; and for larger d we point out where two curves might have different gaps. Bounds are also given for the conductor of the Lüroth semigroup, depending on d.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14H05
Secondary: 20M99
Received: 28 February 1990
Published: 1 November 1991
S. Greco
G. Raciti