Vol. 151, No. 1, 1991

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Surgery with finite fundamental group. I: The obstructions

R. James Milgram

Vol. 151 (1991), No. 1, 65–115

This paper determines the surgery obstructions for all surgery problems of the form

id ×σ : M 2 × K4k+2 → M n × S4k+2

as explicit elements in the surgery obstruction groups Ln+2h where σ : K4k+2 S4k+2 is the usual Kervaire problem and Mn is a closed, compact, oriented manifold with π1(M) finite. Due to the well known observation that the surgery obstruction for a surgery problem on a closed manifold depends only on the resulting cobordism class in Ω(Bπ1(M) × G∕TOP), this is the fundamental step in obtaining the surgery obstructions for all surgery problems over closed manifolds, as long as π1(M) is finite. (In the case π1(M) infinite, the situation is much more complex. A key part of the question would be resolved if one could prove the Novikov conjecture though.)

One of our main results is that only three types of obstruction can occur. This is, in fact, the first step in proving the oozing conjecture. The proof is completed in part II of this paper where we give characteristic class formulae for evaluating these obstructions.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57R67
Secondary: 18F25, 19J25
Received: 23 March 1988
Revised: 25 May 1989
Published: 1 November 1991
R. James Milgram
Stanford University
United States