Vol. 151, No. 2, 1991

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Singularity of the radial subalgebra of (FN) and the Pukánszky invariant

Florin G. Radulescu

Vol. 151 (1991), No. 2, 297–306

Let (FN) be the von Neumann algebra of the free group with N generators x1,,xN, N 2 and let A be the abelian von Neumann subalgebra generated by x1 + x11 + + xN + xN1 acting as a left convolutor on l2(FN). The radial algebra A appeared in the harmonic analysis of the free group as a maximal abelian subalgebra of (FN), the von Neumann algebra of the free group. The aim of this paper is to prove that A is singular (which means that there are no unitaries u in (FN) excepting those coming from A such that uAu A). This is done by showing that the Pukánszky invariant of A is infinite, where the Pukánszky invariant of A is the type of the commutant of the algebra 𝒜 in B(l2(FN)) generated by A and x1 + x11 + + xN + xN1 regarded also as a right convolutor on l2(FN).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L35
Secondary: 46L10
Received: 5 January 1990
Revised: 1 October 1990
Published: 1 December 1991
Florin G. Radulescu