Vol. 151, No. 2, 1991

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A note on homotopy complex surfaces with negative tangent bundles

Bun Wong

Vol. 151 (1991), No. 2, 369–377

We propose some problems concerning a weak rigidity phenomenon on compact complex manifolds with negative tangent bundles. Some observations have been made in the two dimensional case as an easy consequence of classification theory, and Yau’s theorem on the rigidity of P2. We point out that among the class of complex surfaces of general type with c12 c2 > 0 the cotangent dimension is a homotopy invariant possibly except in the case of S2 × S2.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 32J15
Secondary: 32J27, 53C55, 57R55
Received: 7 July 1990
Published: 1 December 1991
Bun Wong