Vol. 152, No. 1, 1992

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On surfaces in the 3-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space

Angel Ferrandez and Pascual Lucas

Vol. 152 (1992), No. 1, 93–100

Let Ms2 be a surface in the 3-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space 𝕃3 and denote by H its mean curvature vector field. This paper locally classifies those surfaces verifying the condition ΔH = λH, where λ is a real constant.

The classification is done by proving that Ms2 has zero mean curvature everywhere or it is isoparametric, i.e., its shape operator has constant characteristic polynomial.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 53A10
Secondary: 53C50
Received: 10 August 1990
Revised: 12 October 1990
Published: 1 January 1992
Angel Ferrandez
Pascual Lucas