Vol. 152, No. 1, 1992

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Elliptic surfaces with an ample divisor of genus two

Fernando Serrano

Vol. 152 (1992), No. 1, 187–199

Beltrametti, Lanteri and Palleschi have recently started the classification of smooth algebraic surfaces having an ample divisor of arithmetic genus two (Arkiv för Mat. 25 (1987), 189-210). Their results for the class of elliptic surfaces can be considerably improved. The present paper focuses on elliptic surfaces S with Kodaira dimension one, χ𝒪S = 0, and such that the (unique) elliptic fibration has a rational base. The result is the following: if S contains a genus two ample divisor then S is of the form S = (D ×E)∕G where G is a group acting on two curves D and E, E is elliptic, G is either 2 × 2, 2 × 6 or 4 × 4 and D has genus 2, 2 and 3 respectively. Moreover, the existence of such polarized surfaces is shown by a concrete example.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14J27
Secondary: 14J10
Received: 12 July 1990
Revised: 10 August 1990
Published: 1 January 1992
Fernando Serrano