Vol. 152, No. 2, 1992

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The space of infinite-dimensional compacta and other topological copies of (lf2)ω

Jan Dijkstra, Jan van Mill and Jerzy Mogilski

Vol. 152 (1992), No. 2, 255–273

We show that there exists a homeomorphism from the hyperspace of the Hilbert cube Q onto the countable product of Hilbert cubes such that the k-dimensional sets are mapped onto Bk × Q × Q × , where B is the pseudoboundary of Q. In particular, the infinite-dimensional compacta are mapped onto Bω, which is homeomorphic to the countably infinite product of lf2. In addition, we prove for k ∈{1,2,,∞} that the space of uniformly k-dimensional sets in 2Q is also homeomorphic to (lf2)ω.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57N20
Secondary: 54H99
Received: 15 April 1990
Revised: 3 May 1991
Published: 1 February 1992
Jan Dijkstra
Jan van Mill
Jerzy Mogilski
The University of TX at Brownsville
80 Fort Brown
SET B 2.454
Brownsville TX 78520
United States