Vol. 153, No. 2, 1992

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Reduction of topological stable rank in inductive limits of C-algebras

Marius Dadarlat, Gabriel Nagy, András Némethi and Cornel Pasnicu

Vol. 153 (1992), No. 2, 267–276

We consider inductive limits A of sequences A1 A2 finite direct sums of C-algebras of continuous functions from compact Hausdorff spaces into full matrix algebras. We prove that A has topological stable rank (tsr) one provided that A is simple and the sequence of the dimensions of the spectra of Ai is bounded. For unital A, tsr(A) = 1 means that the set of invertible elements is dense in A. If A is infinite dimensional, then the simplicity of A implies that the sizes of the involved matrices tend to infinity, so by general arguments one gets tsr(Ai) 2 for large enough i whence tsr(A) 2. The reduction of tsr from two to one requires arguments which are strongly related to this special class of C-algebras.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L80
Secondary: 19B10, 19K99
Received: 5 October 1990
Revised: 7 June 1991
Published: 1 April 1992
Marius Dadarlat
Department of Mathematics
Purdue University
150 N University Street
West Lafayette IN 47907-2067
United States
Gabriel Nagy
András Némethi
A. Rényi Institute of Mathematics
Hungerian Academy of Sciences
Realtanoda U. 13-15
Cornel Pasnicu