Vol. 154, No. 1, 1992

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Studying links via closed braids. I: A finiteness theorem

Joan Birman and William W. Menasco

Vol. 154 (1992), No. 1, 17–36

This paper is the first in a series which study the closed braid representatives of an oriented link type in oriented 3-space. A combinatorial symbol is introduced which determines an oriented spanning surface F for a representative L of . The surface F is in a special position in 3-space relative to the braid axis A and the fibers in a fibration of the complement of A. The symbol simultaneously describes F as an embedded surface and L as a closed braid. Therefore it is both geometrically and algebraically meaningful. Using it, a complexity function is introduced. It is proved that is described by at most finitely many combinatorial symbols, and thus by finitely many conjugacy classes in each braid group Bn when the complexity is minimal.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57M25
Received: 5 March 1990
Revised: 29 May 1991
Published: 1 May 1992
Joan Birman
Department of Mathematics
Columbia University - Barnard College
2990 Broadway
New York NY 10027
United States
William W. Menasco
Department of Mathematics
University at Buffalo
Buffalo NY 14260
United States