Vol. 154, No. 1, 1992

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Affine lamination spaces for surfaces

Allen E. Hatcher and Ulrich Oertel

Vol. 154 (1992), No. 1, 87–101

In this paper we extend Thurston’s space 𝒫ℒ(M) of projective classes of measured laminations in the compact surface M to a space 𝒜ℒ(M) of laminations with transverse affine structures. The main theorem is that 𝒜ℒ(M) is homeomorphic to the product 𝒫ℒ(M) × H1(M; ).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57R30
Secondary: 57M50, 58F15
Received: 15 November 1989
Published: 1 May 1992
Allen E. Hatcher
Mathematics Department
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
United States
Ulrich Oertel