Vol. 154, No. 1, 1992

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The boundary of a simply connected domain at an inner tangent point

John Marafino

Vol. 154 (1992), No. 1, 165–178

Let T be the set of accessible boundary points at which the inner tangent to ∂D exists. That is, if a T and w(a) represents its complex coordinate, then there exists a unique ν(a), 0 ν(a) < 2π, such that for each 𝜖 > 0 (𝜖 < π
2) there exists a δ > 0 such that

Δ = {w(a)+ ρeiν : 0 < ρ < δ,|ν − ν(a)| < π-− 𝜖} ⊂ D
and w → a as w → w(a), w ∈ Δ.
Let γ(a,r) represent the unique component of D ⊂{|w w(a)| = r} that intersects the inner normal {w(a) + ρe(a) : ρ > 0}, L(a,r) denote the length of γ(a,r) and set A(a,r) = 0rL(a,r)dr. Finally let, AD be those points of T at which a non-zero angular derivative exists.

Our main result is a purely geometrical proof of a theorem that describes the boundary of D near a T. As a consequence we have

  1. a geometric description of the boundary of D near almost every a AD that is a generalization of the geometric behavior of a smooth curve,
  2. an answer on T and hence on AD of the two open questions and conjectures made by McMillan in [3, p. 739] concerning the length and area ratios
    L (a,r)       A (a,r)
--2πr-  and  --πr2-  as r → 0.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 30C99
Received: 11 September 1989
Published: 1 May 1992
John Marafino
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
James Madison University
MSC 1911
Harrisonburg VA 22807
United States