Vol. 155, No. 1, 1992

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Asymptotic behavior of the curvature of the Bergman metric of the thin domains

Kang-Tae Kim

Vol. 155 (1992), No. 1, 99–110

The Riemann sectional curvature tensor of the Bergman metric of the domains that are ‘thin’ intersections of the (strongly) pseudoconvex domains in Cn with C2 boundaries, n 2, is asymptotically equivalent to that of corresponding Siegel domains.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 32H10
Received: 22 January 1991
Revised: 26 April 1991
Published: 1 September 1992
Kang-Tae Kim
Department of Mathematics
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Pohang 790-784
South Korea