Vol. 155, No. 2, 1992

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Invariant subspaces and harmonic conjugation on compact abelian groups

Nakhle Habib Asmar, Earl Robert Berkson and Thomas Alastair Gillespie

Vol. 155 (1992), No. 2, 201–213

Let Γ be a dense subgroup of the real line . Endow Γ with the discrete topology and the order it inherits from , and let K be the dual group of Γ. Helson’s classic theory of generalized analyticity uses the spectral decomposability of unitary groups to establish a one-to-one correspondence between the cocycles on K and the normalized simply invariant subspaces of L2(K). This theory has been extended to the invariant subspaces of Lp(K), 1 < p < , by using recent results concerning the spectral decomposability of uniformly bounded one-parameter groups acting on UMD spaces. We show here that each cocycle A on K can be used to transfer the classical Hilbert transform from L1() to L1(K) in terms of almost everywhere convergence on K so that in the interesting case (i.e., when A is not a coboundary) the corresponding invariant subspace of Lp(K) is a generalized ergodic Hardy space. This description of the invariant subspaces explicitly identifies the role of the Hilbert transform in generalized analyticity on K. The formulation in terms of almost everywhere convergence on K provides an intrinsic viewpoint which extends to the case p = 1.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 43A17
Secondary: 47A15, 47B38
Received: 4 February 1991
Published: 1 October 1992
Nakhle Habib Asmar
Earl Robert Berkson
Thomas Alastair Gillespie