Vol. 155, No. 2, 1992

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Lp-Fourier transforms on nilpotent Lie groups and solvable Lie groups acting on Siegel domains

Junko Inoue

Vol. 155 (1992), No. 2, 295–318

We study Fourier transforms of Lp-functions (1 < p 2) on nilpotent Lie groups and affine automorphism groups of Siegel domains. We get an estimate for the norm of the Lp-Fourier transform for certain classes of nilpotent Lie groups. For affine automorphism groups, which are nonunimodular, we give an explicit definition of Lp-Fourier transform, and obtain an estimate for the norm.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 22E25
Secondary: 22E30, 32M05
Received: 21 June 1990
Revised: 14 August 1991
Published: 1 October 1992
Junko Inoue