Vol. 155, No. 2, 1992

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The braid index of generalized cables

Robert Fones Williams and Robert Fones Williams

Vol. 155 (1992), No. 2, 369–375

If one knot is fashioned into another, by replacing each strand with q strands, then something gets multiplied by q. What? The answer should not be overly dependent on how these strands are intertwined. We show that an invariant called the braid index is an answer. This proposition is apparently new. Another answer covered by our proof is the bridge number, though this was proved by Shubert in 1954. It was only with the advent of the Jones polynomial and its relatives in the mid 1980s, that much attention has been given to the braid index. For example, the knots obtained by repeated period doubling were shown to obey the multiplication rule, though no one seems to have thought of it this way. Their braid indices are powers of 2. We first considered the current proposition in trying to show that a certain knot, known to have braid index 5, could not be a two-cabling of anything.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57M25
Secondary: 57R70
Received: 15 April 1990
Revised: 1 November 1991
Published: 1 October 1992
Robert Fones Williams
Department of Mathematics
University of Texas at Austin
Austin TX 78712-1082
United States
Robert Fones Williams
Department of Mathematics
University of Texas at Austin
Austin TX 78712-1082
United States