Vol. 156, No. 2, 1992

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Lie algebras of type D4 over number fields

Bruce Allison

Vol. 156 (1992), No. 2, 209–250

In this paper we show how to construct all central simple Lie algebras of type D4 over an algebraic number field. The construction that we use is a special case of a modified version of a construction due to G. B. Seligman. The starting point for the construction is an 8-dimensional nonassociative algebra with involution CD() that is obtained by the Cayley-Dickson doubling process from a 4-dimensional separable commutative associative algebra and a nonzero scalar μ. The algebra CD() is used as the coefficient algebra for a Lie algebra 𝒦(CD()) that can be roughly described as the Lie algebra of 3 × 3-skew hermitian matrices with entries from CD() relative to the involution X γ1Xtγ, where γ is an invertible diagonal matrix with scalar entries. We show that any Lie algebra of type D4 over a number field can be constructed as 𝒦(CD()) for some choice of , μ and γ. We also give isomorphism conditions for two Lie algebras constructed in this way.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 17B20
Secondary: 17B05
Received: 1 June 1991
Revised: 29 July 1991
Published: 1 December 1992
Bruce Allison
University of Alberta
United States