Vol. 157, No. 2, 1993

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Strong integral summability and the Stone-Čech compactification of the half-line

Jeff Connor and Mary Anne Swardson

Vol. 157 (1993), No. 2, 201–224

An f-measure is a finitely additive nonnegative set function defined on a collection of subsets of [0,) which vanishes on bounded Lebesgue measurable sets. We define statistical convergence and convergence in density relative to an f-measure and use nonnegative regular integral summability methods to generate f-measures. We observe that, for a large class of regular integral summability methods, the notions of strong integral summability, convergence in density and statistical convergence (relative to the f-measure generated by the method) coincide for bounded functions.

The support set of an f-measure is a subset of the Stone-Čech compactification of [0,) that is generated by the measure. We characterize f-measures that generate nowhere dense support sets and f-measures which have P-sets for support sets. The support set of a nonnegative regular integral summability method is used to introduce some summability invariants for bounded strong integral summability. We show that the support sets of f-measures generated by some summability methods are compact zero-dimensional F-spaces of weight c without isolated points, but that they need not be P-spaces.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 40C10
Secondary: 28A33, 40C05
Received: 24 April 1991
Revised: 27 November 1991
Published: 1 February 1993
Jeff Connor
Mary Anne Swardson