Vol. 157, No. 2, 1993

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The endlich Baer splitting property

Theodore Gerard Faticoni

Vol. 157 (1993), No. 2, 225–240

It is well known that projective modules P are characterized by the property that each surjection M P of modules splits. For arbitrary modules A one can ask for conditions under which each surjection A(c) A(d) will split where c and d are cardinals. Modules with this property are said to have the Baer splitting property. If the surjection A(c) A(d) splits whenever d is a finite cardinal then A is said to have the finite Baer splitting property. If the surjection A(c) A(d) splits whenever c and d are finite cardinals then A is said to have the endlich Baer splitting property. Albrecht generalizes a theorem of Arnold and Lady by showing that if A satisfies mild hypotheses, then A has the Baer splitting property iff IAA for each proper right ideal I End(A).

The goal of this paper is to organize what is known about the (finite, endlich) Baer splitting property by generalizing to pairs (A,P) that have the (endlich) Baer splitting property. (See definitions below.) As an application, we show that the torsion-free abelian group of finite rank has the finite Baer splitting property iff it has the endlich Baer splitting property. We cite examples to show that this result is not true of countable modules.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 16D40
Secondary: 16D90
Received: 30 April 1991
Revised: 29 October 1991
Published: 1 February 1993
Theodore Gerard Faticoni