Vol. 157, No. 2, 1993

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Concordances of metrics of positive scalar curvature

Pawel Gajer

Vol. 157 (1993), No. 2, 257–268

Spaces of metrics of positive scalar curvature are studied modulo a concordance relation. It is shown that the set of concordance classes of metrics with positive scalar curvature on a closed manifold of dimension 6 depends only on the dimension, the first Stiefel-Whitney class of the manifold, and the cokernel of a homomorphism π2(Mn) KO(S2). In addition, for every nonnegative integer i the i-th concordance group of metrics of positive scalar curvature is defined and it is shown that for a spin manifold the group is nontrivial when n + i = 4k + 3, 8k, 8k + 1, k 1.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 53C23
Secondary: 53C21
Received: 4 April 1991
Revised: 13 February 1992
Published: 1 February 1993
Pawel Gajer