Vol. 157, No. 2, 1993

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On purifiable subgroups and the intersection problem

Takashi Okuyama

Vol. 157 (1993), No. 2, 311–324

L. Fuchs poses the problem of characterizing the subgroups of arbitrary abelian groups which are intersections of finitely many pure subgroups. We show that this problem for purifiable subgroups of primary abelian groups can be reduced to the case where the subgroups are vertical. We use this result to give a solution of this problem for subgroups of primary abelian groups in two special cases. Moreover, we obtain the following result: in a primary abelian group G, all pure hulls of a purifiable subgroup are T-high in G for some subsocle T of G.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 20K10
Received: 24 January 1991
Revised: 8 October 1991
Published: 1 February 1993
Takashi Okuyama