Vol. 158, No. 1, 1993

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Szegő maps and highest weight representations

Mark Gregory Davidson and Ron Stanke

Vol. 158 (1993), No. 1, 67–91

Let G be a connected noncompact simple Lie group with finite center and let K be a maximal compact subgroup of G. Assume the space G∕K is Hermitian symmetric. We associate to each irreducible representation τ of K a principal series representation W(τ) and a G-equivariant Szegö-type integral operator Sτ such that Sτ maps the K-finite vectors in W(τ) onto an irreducible highest weight g-module L(τ). Of primary concern here are those representations τ which are reduction points. For such τ, we construct certain systems 𝒟τ of G-equivariant differential operators and then utilize 𝒟τ to establish the infinitesimal irreducibility of the image of Sτ.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 22E45
Secondary: 22E30
Received: 8 November 1990
Revised: 15 December 1991
Published: 1 March 1993
Mark Gregory Davidson
Ron Stanke