Vol. 158, No. 2, 1993

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On a nonlinear equation related to the geometry of the diffeomorphism group

David Dai-Wai Bao, Jacques Lafontaine and Tudor S. Ratiu

Vol. 158 (1993), No. 2, 223–242

Let M be a compact boundaryless Riemannian manifold. We derive the equations on M which characterize asymptotic vectors on Diff vol(M). We classify those M’s whose volume-preserving diffeomorphism groups admit asymptotic vectors which are represented by harmonic vector fields on M. We then show that these harmonic solutions can be used to construct other (typically non-harmonic) solutions.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 58B20
Secondary: 58B25, 58D05
Received: 20 May 1991
Revised: 15 October 1991
Published: 1 April 1993
David Dai-Wai Bao
Jacques Lafontaine
Tudor S. Ratiu
Section de Mathématiques and Bernoulli Center
CH-1015 Lausanne