Vol. 159, No. 1, 1993

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Pseudo regular elements and the auxiliary multiplication they induce

Barry E. Johnson

Vol. 159 (1993), No. 1, 61–73

An element f of a commutative Banach algebra is pseudo regular if there is a constant M with abf∥≤ Maf∥∥bf (a,b A). In many cases pseudo regularity implies formally stronger conditions such as relative invertibility; that is, f is invertible in some subalgebra of A. In this paper we describe some algebraic methods which can be used to establish results of this kind. Given a pseudo regular element f of A, af bf = abf extends by continuity to a multiplication , called the auxiliary multiplication, on J, the closed ideal generated by f. This leads to the fundamental inequality ϕJ M|ϕ(f)| where ϕ is a multiplicative linear functional on A. As applications of these ideas we identify the pseudo regular elements of the algebra C(n)[0,1] as being the elements such that f,f,,f(n) have no common zeros and the pseudo regular elements of the group algebra of a locally compact abelian group as being the relatively invertible elements. Similar constructions can be made when f is an element of an A module X though the structure is less rich in this case.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46J05
Secondary: 46J15, 46J25
Received: 9 September 1991
Published: 1 May 1993
Barry E. Johnson