Vol. 159, No. 1, 1993

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Volumes of tubular neighbourhoods of real algebraic varieties

Richard Alexander Wongkew

Vol. 159 (1993), No. 1, 177–184

This paper concerns the following problem:

Let V be an algebraic variety in n-dimensional euclidean space. For each pair of positive numbers ρ and R find an upper bound on the volume of the set of points that are within a distance of ρ from V and within a distance R from a fixed point p0. Obtain this upper bound so that it is independent of the choice of p0. In particular, does there exist a universal n-th degree polynomial, say Pn(,,) which automatically provides an upper bound upon entering ρ, R and the degree of V ?

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14P05
Secondary: 51M25
Received: 9 December 1989
Revised: 25 November 1991
Published: 1 May 1993
Richard Alexander Wongkew