Vol. 160, No. 1, 1993

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Some numeric results on root systems

J. Y. Shi

Vol. 160 (1993), No. 1, 155–164

Let Φ be an irreducible root system (sometimes we denote Φ by Φ(X) to indicate its type X). Choose a simple root system Π in Φ. Let Φ+ (resp. Φ) be the corresponding positive (resp. negative) root system of Φ. By a subsystem Φof Φ (resp. of Φ+), we mean that Φis a subset of Φ (resp. of Φ+) which itself forms a root system (resp. a positive root system). We refer the readers to Bourbaki’s book for the detailed information about root systems. Among all subsystems of Φ, the subsystems of Φ of rank 2 and of type A1 × A1 are of particular importance in the theory of Weyl groups and affine Weyl groups (see the papers by Jian-yi Shi). In the present paper, we shall compute the number of such subsystems of Φ for an irreducible root system Φ of any type. Some interesting properties of Φ are also obtained.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 17B20
Received: 15 November 1991
Published: 1 September 1993
J. Y. Shi