Vol. 161, No. 1, 1993

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The relative Nielsen number and boundary-preserving surface maps

Michael R. Kelly

Vol. 161 (1993), No. 1, 139–153

Let X be a compact 2-manifold with nonempty boundary ∂X. Given a boundary-preserving map f : (X,∂X) (X,∂X) the relative Nielsen number N(f) gives a lower bound for the number of fixed points of f. Let MF[f] denote the minimum number of fixed points of all boundary-preserving maps homotopic to f as maps of pairs. This paper continues the study of the difference MF[f] N(f) for surface maps begun by Brown and Sanderson [BS]. Their results are extended by (i) adding to their list of surfaces for which this difference can be arbitrarily large, and (ii) producing an example of a boundary-preserving map of the pants surface for which the difference is equal to one. This answers a conjecture raised by the authors.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 55M20
Secondary: 57N05
Received: 3 November 1991
Revised: 18 July 1992
Published: 1 November 1993
Michael R. Kelly
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Loyola University
6363 St Charles Avenue
New Orleans LA 70118
United States