Vol. 161, No. 2, 1993

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On the method of constructing irreducible finite index subfactors of Popa

Florin Petre Boca

Vol. 161 (1993), No. 2, 201–231

Let Us(Q) be the universal Jones algebra associated to a finite von Neumann algebra Q and Rs R be the Jones subfactors, s ∈{4cos2π
n|n 3}∪ [4,). We consider for any von Neumann subalgebra Q0 Q the algebra Us(Q,Q0) defined as the quotient of Us(Q) through its ideal generated by [Q0,R] and we construct a Markov trace on Us(Q,Q0). If 𝒵(Q) ∩𝒵(Q0) = and Q contains n s + 1 unitaries u1 = 1,u2,,un, with EQ0(uiuj) = δij1, 1 i, j n, then we get a family of irreducible inclusions of type II1 factors Ns Ms, with [Ms : Ns] = s and minimal higher relative commutant. Although these subfactors are nonhyperfinite, they have the Haagerup approximation property whether Q0 Q is a Haagerup inclusion and if either Q0 is finite dimensional or Q0 ⊂𝒵(Q).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L37
Received: 19 December 1991
Revised: 16 July 1992
Published: 1 December 1993
Florin Petre Boca