Vol. 161, No. 2, 1993

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Knotting trivial knots and resulting knot types

Kimihiko Motegi

Vol. 161 (1993), No. 2, 371–383

Let (V,K) be a pattern (i.e. V is a standardly embedded solid torus in oriented S3 and K is a knot in V ) and f an orientation preserving emdedding from V into S3 such that f(V ) is knotted.

In this paper answers to the following questions will be given depending upon whether the winding number of K2 in V is zero or not.

  1. Suppose that K1 is unknotted and K2 is knotted in S3. Can f(K1) be ambient isotopic to f(K2) in S3 for some embedding f : V S3?
  2. Suppose that K1 and K2 are both unknotted in S3. How are (V,K1) and (V,K2) related if f(K1) is ambient isotopic to f(K2) in S3 for some embedding f : V S3?

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57M25
Received: 24 July 1991
Revised: 7 September 1992
Published: 1 December 1993
Kimihiko Motegi
Department of Mathematics
Nihon University
Tokyo 156-8550