Let L = L0 ⊕L1 be a restricted
Lie superalgebra over a field of characteristic p > 2. We let u(L) denote the restricted
enveloping algebra of L and we will be concerned with when u(L) is semisimple,
semiprime, or prime.
The structure of u(L) is sufficiently close to that of a Hopf algebra that we will
obtain ring theoretic information about u(L) by first applying basic facts
about finite dimensional Hopf algebras to Hopf algebras of the form u(L)#G.
Our main result along these lines is that if u(L) is semisimple with L finite
dimensional, then L1 = 0. Combining this with a result of Hochschild, we will
obtain a complete description of those finite dimensional L such that u(L) is
In the infinite dimensional case, we will obtain various necessary conditions for
u(L) to be prime or semiprime.