Vol. 162, No. 1, 1994

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On infinitesimal behavior of the Kobayashi distance

Myung Yull Pang

Vol. 162 (1994), No. 1, 121–141

The condition that the Kobayashi distance between two nearby points in a pseudo-convex domain is realized by the Poincaré distance on a single analytic disk joining the two points is studied. It is shown that the condition forces the Kobayashi indicatrix to be convex. Examples of pseudo-convex domains on which this condition fails to hold are given. The (infinitesimal) Kobayashi metric is shown to be a directional derivative of the Kobayashi distance. It is shown that, if the condition holds near any point of a pseudo-convex domain and if the Kobayashi metric is a complete Finsler metric of class C2, then the Kobayashi distance between any two points in the domain can be realized by the Poincaré distance on a single analytic disk joining the two points.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 32H15
Received: 6 August 1991
Published: 1 January 1994
Myung Yull Pang