Vol. 163, No. 1, 1994

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A transverse structure for the Lie-Poisson bracket on the dual of the Virasoro algebra

Gloria Mari Beffa

Vol. 163 (1994), No. 1, 43–72

KdV equations can be described as Hamiltonian systems on the dual of the Virasoro algebra with the canonical Lie-Poisson (also called Berezin-Kirillov-Kostant) bracket. In this paper we give an explicit transverse structure for this Poisson manifold along a finite dimensional submanifold. The structure is linearizable and equivalent to the Lie-Poisson structure on sl(2,R). This problem is closely related to the classification of Hill’s equations.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 58F07
Secondary: 17B68, 22E65
Received: 30 March 1992
Published: 1 March 1994
Gloria Mari Beffa