Vol. 163, No. 2, 1994

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Asymptotic radial symmetry for solutions of Δu + eu = 0 in a punctured disc

Kai Seng (Kaising) Chou (Tso) and Tom Yau-Heng Wan

Vol. 163 (1994), No. 2, 269–276

In this paper a representation formula for solutions of the equation

Δu + 2Keu = 0,  K a constant,

in a punctured disc in terms of multi-valued meromorphic functions is found. As application it is deduced that a necessary and sufficient condition for a solution of (), K > 0, being asymptotic radially symmetric is

eu < ∞.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 35J60
Secondary: 53C21
Received: 28 April 1992
Revised: 6 July 1992
Published: 1 April 1994
Kai Seng (Kaising) Chou (Tso)
Tom Yau-Heng Wan