Vol. 163, No. 2, 1994

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Knots with algebraic unknotting number one

Micah Elton Fogel

Vol. 163 (1994), No. 2, 277–295

Every knot, K, in S3 has associated to it an equivalence class of matrices based on S-equivalence of Seifert matrices. When the knot is altered by changing a crossing, the S-equivalence class of the new knot is related to that of the original knot in a very specific way. This change in the Seifert matrices can be studied without regard to the underlying geometric situation, leading to a theory of algebraic crossing changes. Thus, the algebraic unknotting number may be defined as the smallest number of these algebraic crossing changes necessary to convert a Seifert matrix for the knot into a matrix for the unknot. A straightforward test of some well-known knot invariants will reveal that the algebraic unknotting number is one.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57M25
Received: 14 December 1991
Revised: 3 March 1993
Published: 1 April 1994
Micah Elton Fogel