Vol. 163, No. 2, 1994

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Möbius-invariant Hilbert spaces in polydiscs

H. Turgay Kaptanoglu

Vol. 163 (1994), No. 2, 337–360

We define the Dirichlet space 𝒟 on the unit polydisc 𝕌n of n. 𝒟 is a semi-Hilbert space of holomorphic functions, contains the holomorphic polynomials densely, is invariant under compositions with the biholomorphic automorphisms of 𝕌n, and its semi-norm is preserved under such compositions. We show that 𝒟 is unique with these properties. We also prove 𝒟 is unique if we assume that the semi-norm of a function in 𝒟 composed with an automorphism is only equivalent in the metric sense to the semi-norm of the original function. Members of a subclass of 𝒟 given by a norm can be written as potentials of 2-functions on the n-torus 𝕋n. We prove that the functions in this subclass satisfy strong-type inequalities and have tangential limits almost everywhere on 𝕌n. We also make capacitory estimates on the size of the exceptional sets on 𝕌n.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46E20
Secondary: 32A40, 42B25
Received: 11 May 1992
Published: 1 April 1994
H. Turgay Kaptanoglu