Vol. 163, No. 2, 1994

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The cohomology ring of the spaces of loops on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces

Katsuhiko Kuribayashi

Vol. 163 (1994), No. 2, 361–391

Let X be a simply connected space whose mod p cohomology is isomorphic to that of a compact, simply connected, simple Lie group as an algebra over the Steenrod algebra. We determine the algebra structure of the mod p cohomology of ΩX algebraically. Moreover we give a method to determine the algebra structure of the mod p cohomology of the space of loops on a homogeneous space.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 55P35
Secondary: 57T10
Received: 22 August 1991
Revised: 20 November 1991
Published: 1 April 1994
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi