Vol. 164, No. 1, 1994

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The hyperspaces of infinite-dimensional compacta for covering and cohomological dimension are homeomorphic

Tadeusz Wladyslaw Dobrowolski and Leonard Rubin

Vol. 164 (1994), No. 1, 15–39

A notion of true dimension theory is defined to which is assigned a dimension function D. We consider those D which have an enhanced Bockstein basis; these include D = dim and D = dimG for any abelian group G. We prove that for each countable polyhedron K, the set of compacta X 2Q with K AE({X}) is a Gδ-subspace. We apply this fact to show that the hyperspace of the Hilbert cube Q consisting of compacta (or continua) X with D(X) n is a Gδ-subspace. Let Dn (resp., Dn C(Q)) denote the space of compacta X (resp., continua) with D(X) n. We prove that {Dn}n=1 and {Dn C(Q)}n=2 are absorbing sequences for σ-compact spaces. This yields that each Dn and Dn+1 C(Q) (n 1) is homeomorphic to the pseudoboundary B of Q; their respective complements are homeomorphic to the pseudointerior of Q; and the intersections nDn, nDn C(Q) are homeomorphic to B, the absorbing set for the class of Fσδ- sets. Results for the hyperspaces of compacta X for which D(X) n uniformly are also obtained.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 54B20
Secondary: 54F15, 54F45, 57N20
Received: 12 March 1992
Revised: 27 May 1992
Published: 1 May 1994
Tadeusz Wladyslaw Dobrowolski
Leonard Rubin